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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Is Good Luck Charm Effective?

Even if in modern day, some people still believe that wear amulet pendant or talismanic bracelet as good luck charm. Some of them wear it just for fashion for peacocking. Some of them wear them because they love the design. However, some people really believe it works.

Does good luck talisman or amulet really work?
Maybe, when you believe, it will be helpful. Maybe, some amulet really has magical power. I choose to respect the belief.

In this article, I just want to discuss good luck amulet or charm in another perspective.
There is connection between amulet and human mind. For certain people, amulet works but for another it doesn’t. Why? Because they have different state of mind which means different brainwave or vibration.

Your energy will follow your mind. If an amulet stimulates you to be more confidence, it works. If there is conflict within your mind about whether or not holding an amulet is sinful things, it will not work. If there is hesitation in you, the amulet will not have maximum effect.

Notwithstanding whether there is magical thing in the amulet, if you want your amulet works better, use the talismanic symbol, holly writing, or amulet as the reminder that you are blessed and that you should believe and pray that you are going to be successful. Use the symbol of flower of light to remind you that the universe will harmonize your energy to help in your life and pray to God for harmony.

It is up to you whether you want to wear amulet or such symbols. Sometimes, human being need something or tools to remind them. When a Christian see a cross, they remember the bless of Christ. When tantric practitioner wear kalachakra Tibetan amulet, they see the symbol and remember the chant for goodness.

As fashion lover or esoteric practitioner, you can wear good luck amulet pendant.

However, the most important is to keep positive in your mind.

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