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Friday, December 7, 2007

The Way of Patience at Work and Ninja Spirit

Patience is heart of flower, let it grow at work to win with others.

Sometimes we hears 'I hate my work', 'My working situation is getting worse", "Everyone blame me and scold me and make me a loser". Another says, "I was patient and have tried to be patient, but I cannot resist anymore with work situation" of "my patience is limited, and I won't be patient anymore."

The word patience and bad working situation remind me about something interesting me when my brother in Indonesia learned shodo (Japanese Caligraphy). It was the character of "Nin". This character is also related to the word "Ninja", "Ninpo" and "Ninjutsu". Ninja were really not assassins sure they had to do that occassionally but a true ninja was and is a person of endurance and perserverence."The first priority of the ninja was and is to win without fighting", according to Essence of Ninjutsu By: Masaakai Hatsumi.

The Japanese "Nin" character represents the ancient martial art of Ninjutsu and it's higher form of Ninpo, the Arts of the Ninja. The "Nin" symbol translates into Endurance, Perserverence, Patience In many people's image, Ninja (person who masters art of preserverence, and patience) is hero. So, are preserverence and patience heroic acts? You can decide by yourself by considering role of patience and preserverence in peace, harmony, and achiving success. We should change our mindset, stating that patience and perserverence are actions of weak person. Instead, patience and perserverence were possed by the persons who knows 'The Secret'.

The Japanese character for Nin consists of two parts or radicals. The upper radical is called yaiba which refers to the cutting edge of a blade. The lower radical can be read either as kokoro or shin, both of which mean heart. One, who consider patience weakness, translates "Nin"as "heart stabbed by blade", meaning to say "he saves anger". Ancient saying says, "Patience, or preserverence (Nin) is not heart stabbed by blade, but it is heart of flower, instead" So, to manifest patience, we should develop heart of flower. We should choose to develop happiness, joy, and gratitude, instead of fighting against hate, stress, anger.

At work, sometimes, we work under pressure. Many things, we should finish. Some people ( customer or colleague or our boss) scold us. The bad situation at work that we feel make us difficult to take breath. Sometimes, it also happen in our relationship and social life. Then, we try to be patient, but we translate patience as "heart stabbed by blade" or we just let bad situation happen and save the anger and sadness in our mind. The situation can be worse, we can get into more stress because we attract worse situation, worse work climate, worse relationship. We try to fight againts jealousy, anger, sadness in our heart, but they grow bigger and bigger because we think about them. It is law of attraction, according to "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.

So what should we do, when in bad work situation? Remember 'Nin', 'the heart of flower', being patience means that you choose to feel joy and gratitude. Remember a happy moment, the beloved one who inspiring you, a momment when you are in love, a momment when achieving something. Visualize and imagine that you have achieved best situation (perhaps work performance achievement, happy momment, good relationship) and be grateful! Feel the joy, happiness, and grattitude and smile. Feel and the flower in your heart grow. That is patience. Spread it to all people.

The change within can attract better situation at work, in relationship, and in social life. You will be hero who posses way of patience and preserverence.

This article is posted in , an online talent market by human resource, outsourcing, recruitment service consultant in Indonesia, and written by a copy writer for Askill Indonesia ( A-Skill ), Asian Skilled Resource, an Indonesian Manpower Supply Company for Overseas Project ( PJTKI ).

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Business Art by Rich Dad's Advisor

I have just had glance reading of Sales Dogs, written Blair Singer. It's inspiring me. He uses fun approach to give inspiration about salesmanship. Oh there are also some test related to SALESMANSHIP and TEAM WORK at you can also read some free useful articles by Rich Dad's Advisor and buy some products ( Books, Professional Sales Training Kits, Audio Tapes) related to Art of Business.

FREE Secrets from Blair Singer. Discover how Salesdogs® strategies are used successfully by sales professionals all over the world to generate more sales and more cash, without stress!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I remember how the first time I became an Emcee (MC = Master of Ceremony). Basically I was shy person, litle bit had low self confidence. However, I had experiences in public speaking, first, when I had presentation as students, but I was trembling during the presentation. When I presented my research in thesis exam, I did it better because preparation and affirmation plus vizualization technique before presentation. All of my friends laughed at my nervousness. Then, when I bacame a teacher, my audiences were my students. I was not nervous because I was their superior :-)

But, as an Emcee (MC = Master of ceremony), it's different.

After resigning as English teacher from school, I worked as translator and Training and Development Staff in an MLM/ Direct Selling company. Distributors were the greatest asset of MLM company and my team's and my job was to mantain good relationship with distributors in order to develop their network through functions, events, and training programs.

In the events, training, and functions, I did my job not as speaker nor MC, I became a technical staff, instead. Sometime, I became equipment and tools crew, building the stage and decoration, and loading event equipments. Sometime, I became a cameraman or photographer. I was not a man on the stage.

I was PIC in weekly events for distributors. It was attended by hundred distributors per meeting. The events were Orientation of Product Presentation and Quality Control Circle. In this two events, there was two staff in charge, my friends, as Music DJ, and me as technical staff, who prepared equipment, speakers and MC. The speakers and MC were from distributor leaders.

One day, the speakers came to the event but the MC, whom I had invited before,did not show up. Audiences were waiting and the event must go on. So, I had no choice. I should became an MC. I felt nervous, I got to restroom and did 'push up' exercise to make my body erect and I also did breathing exercise. I had ever did my job as cameraman and knew the theory in MC training, but it was the ferst time for action. I did vipashana, I listen to my heart beat, not try to fight my nervousness but to accept it with smile and fell the air flow of my breathing. And the show time, I got on the stage infront of hundred audiences, and I started emceeing.

That's the first time, I became an MC. Then, my department chose me to be an MC in biggest training event. Well, I feel the change within.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Javanese Aji Caka Script and Five Elements of Nature

Javanese alphabet by ancient mystical king, Aji Caka, consists 20 letters. In order, the letters was written in 4 lines by Aji Saka to commemorate his messengers.

Besides, they also have ancient teaching about human life.
Ha Na Ca Ra Ka means there were messengers. This line has philoshophical meaning that every human being is messenger of god. Every one has role for harmony when they were born.
In elemental nature philosophy, this line represents element of wind. Wind means direction to the goal. Everyone is created due to divine purpose.

Da ta sa wa la means the messengers met and discussion happened. This sentence mean that in our life we need to share and discuss. Our relationship is about networking with other.
This sentence represents element of water or flexibility. This element teach us to mantain harmonious relationship with others, that is why we need people skills for life. Flexibility and open mind are essential for learning.

Pa dha ja ya nya means both of messengers were fighting and both of them won. This sentence represents element of fire or desire or fighting spirit. In our life, we need to have fighting spirit to win. We should be enthusiasm in what we do.

Ma ga ba tha nga means both of messengers died. When we die, our body are burried and back to the earth. It represents element of earth.
It can allso mean 'memento mori'. We should remember that all human beings will die. In our life there is something to change, and there is something that we cannot change. We should have serenity in our action.

So, what is the fifth element in Javanese alphabet? The fifth element also represents fifth element of nature. The fifth element is not written because it is element of void or spirit, It is the divine mystery of god.

See info about art culture and vacation in exotic quest

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Humanizing Human Beings, To Be Little Candles for Others! To empty mind with open mind!

The relationships we have with the world are largely determined by the relationships we have with ourselves. -- Greg Anderson

Self–esteem means that no opinion and no judgment are so vitally critical to your own growth and development as that which you hold of yourself. -- Denis Waitley

People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. -- Norman Vincent Peale

The most influential person who will talk to you all day is you, so you should be very careful about what you say to you! -- Zig Ziglar


Education Info and Link
Education Info:
Little Candles

Monday, April 2, 2007


By Purnomosidhi

"Don't celebrate closing a sale, celebrate opening a relationship." -- Patricia Fripp, Keynote Speaker, Speech Coach, Sales Trainer, Author

Dedicate yourself to build and maintain high quality relationship with your prospect and customer. When closing a sale, perhaps, you just sell your product or service once. However, when building good relationship, you create more opportunity for the sales. Relationship is the key in salesmanship. Selling is recomending an idea, manifested in product or service. People won't accept your recomendation if there is a bar between you and them. People won't buy your product nor use your service if they do not like you. If you win their heart, you will get their attention and they will open to your recomended idea.

Relationship is an asset. Even if it is not in the form of money, it is moral investment. When you build relationship, you build opportunity.

Daniel Carnagie, in his book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People", writes that everyone has desire to be considered as important person. Your customer, your prospect, and you have this desire, too. So, you should build good ability to respond your customers and prospects, consider them important, and make them feel that they are considered important.

However, in sales there are going to be times when you can't make everyone happy. Don't expect to and you won't be disappointed. Just do your best for each client in each situation as it arises. Then, learn from each situation how to do it better the next time.

Learning to build relationship is essential in salesmanship. Some best sellers books, recomended for you to develop high quality relationship, are, among others,"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Daniel Carnagie, "The Magic of Thinking Big", and "Personality Plus". You can also build your knowledge in salesmanship by reading articles written by Patricia Fripp, Keynote Speaker, Speech Coach, Sales Trainer, Author of


by Zig Ziglar

"You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win." ? Zig Ziglar

When you respond to life, that's positive; when you react to life, that's negative. Example: You get sick and go to the doctor. Chances are good that after an examination, she would give you a prescription with instructions to return in several days.

If, when you walk back in the door, the doctor starts shaking her head and says, "It looks like your body is reacting to the medicine; we're going to have to change it," you probably would get a little nervous.

However, if the doctor smiles and says, "You're looking great! Your body is responding to the medication," you would feel relieved. Yes, responding to life is good...

A few years ago, there was much turmoil in the U.S. job market. People were losing their jobs through downsizing, mergers, and takeovers. This created some unusual opportunities for many people. For example, the Wall Street Journal reported that in a five-year period, more than 15 million new businesses were created, well over half of them by women. Very few of the women had any marketable skills, and all of them had great financial need.

Most of the new businesses were "trust" businesses, meaning that the women collected the money before they delivered the goods or services. Many, possibly most, of those new businesses would never have been started had not an unfortunate event occurred in the people's lives. When those events did occur, and needs became obvious, the women chose to respond, and there is little doubt that many of them are better off now than they were before...

The message is clear: If you respond to life instead of react to it, then you've got a much better chance of achieving success

See you at the top!
Zig Ziglar

See other inspirational writing for Eduation, Parenting, Teaching, Learning Info at Little Candles

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ghost Rider and Freewill to Make Decision

By Purnomosidhi

Ghost Rider is fantastic movie about the power of decision. It tells how decision in life can have effect in our life.

In order to save his dying father, young stunt cyclist, Johnny Blaze signed contract and sold his soul to Mephistopheles, a representative of darkness. Fear of loss is the path to darkness. Fear of loss and path of darkness also occurs in Star Wars episode III, when Anakin Skywalker was afraid to lose his wife and submitted his soul to Dark Side and then became Dart Vader. Johnny’s fear of loss became his ignorance because he sold his soul and gave the darkness an authority to make decision for his life.

Years later, Johnny’s path crossed again with Roxanne, his ex-girlfriend, and also with Mephistopheles, who offered to release Johnny’s soul if Johnny became the fabled, fiery Ghost Rider, a supernatural agent of vengeance and justice. Mephistopheles charged Johnny with defeating the despicable Blackheart, Mephistopheles’ nemesis and son, who planned to displace his father and created a new hell even more terrible than the old one.

Fortunately, there was still awareness inside. Johnny was aware of freewill and made decision to get second chance to change his life and make effort for redemption for his past ignorance. His effort created the second chance and he had courage to make decision and choice for his life and do not sell his freedom to other to make decision for his life.

If you do not make choice, the choice will make you. If you do not make decision, the other will make decision for you.

See inspirational info and links of education, here

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Internet Marketing Art and Words of Mouse

by Wahyu Purnomosidhi

Nowadays, many people starts to find information through internet. They just need to visit Google or Yahoo, type keyword of information they need in Search Engine then click to get the list of informations. With internet, many people give and search information.

Companies and business owners post the advertisement in the newspaper because they are sure that many people will read distributed newspaper. Shops and offices are located in the area where many people will visit. The media which many people will pay attention and place where many people will visit are the right situation to attract prospect by giving informations to run the business.

Internet is the virtual world where many people visit. It is also the world that you can attract your prospects. It is the place where you can recommend the product or services to your prospect. Through the “words of mouse” (in marketing, it is usually called “words of mouth”) you can promote the product and services to the netters. And, you can also build market to be visited by netters. Even if the promotion and marketing are conducted in virtual world, it is real business with real result.

To develop 'words of mouse” or to be marketer in on line world, you should have the skill of Internet marketing art. You can use Internet marketing to promote your company's product or service. You can use this art to optimize your company's or your own website. You can learn this art to build your on line business. You can use Internet marketing art to sell your product, but you can use this art even if you do not have any product.

If you are interested in learning Internet Marketing Art, don't hesitate to visit and register at

Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Feet: Lesson of Uniqueness

In animation movie "Happy Feet", every penguins in Antartic empire must be able to sing heartsong, but Mumble grew different. He was not good singer. His ability in singing was under average. However, he had unique ability in toe-tapping skill. His feet dance also created rythm of music, but his community was not ready to accept it. Singinng is expression of happiness, and Mumble also said "Dancing is also expression of happiness."

Even if his community was not ready to appreciate his uniqueness,fortunately, Mumble did not feel inferior and he was aware of his unique ability. He kept dancing, and his happy feet dance grew better and better. Sometimes in real life, negative perspective to the difference can shut up one's development and innovative idea. However, it is in ourown decision to decide to trust in our ability and keep moving, or give up. Realize our uniqueness, and develop it.Your uniqueness can inpire others.

Mumble kept dancing and introduce his unique skills to his friends. At the beginning only a few were interested to dance but Mumble showed his confidence to introduce Happy Feet dance. His confidence and enthusiasm made his dance performance become more interesting, and it interested more and more penguins to dance. His dance was expression of happiness and it encouraged others. Doing or performing something with confidence and enthusiasm can make the better performance and interest others.

'Be confident with your uniqueness' was what Mumble did for himself first before he saved his community from famine. He made decision for himself to investigate the source of famine, the source of problem to get solution. He did happy feet dance enthusiastically, and showed his dance to human beeings. Finally, he led the penguins in his community of penguins to perform happy feet dances, and it sent the message to the world to save environment in Antartic. Put on your oxygen mask then you can help others." The story in 'Happy Feet' inspire us to do something for ourselves before we do something for others. It is also relevant to the safety procedure for flight passengers: 'Put on your oxigen mask first, before you help the others.' You cannot help other, if you cannot help your self. You cannot save the weak person of you are weak. You cannot serve the poor, if you are poor. You cannot feed the hungry if you are hungry. Change begin within ourselves.[]

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Monday, February 12, 2007


An animal trainer with the circus is able to dominate elephants by using a very simple trick: when the animal is still a child, he lashes one of his legs to the trunk of a tree. No matter how hard he struggles, the young elephant is unable to free himself. Little by little, he becomes used to the idea that the trunk of the tree is more powerful than he is. When he becomes an adult possessing tremendous strength, one has only to tie a string about the elephant's leg, and tie him to a sapling. He will not attempt to free himself. As with elephants, our feet are often bound by fragile ties. But since, as children, we became accustomed to the strength of the tree trunk, we do not dare to struggle. Without realizing that a simple courageous act is all that is needed to find our freedom.

(Written by Pulo Coelho)

Thursday, February 8, 2007


Often, in our life, we tend to delay our decision to grow, we delay our steps for better life, delay our step to increase our work performance, delay our decision to improve our education because we are afraid of failure. But, we delay we do not go anywhere. Delay to make courage step just make our fear grow worse.
Paulo Coelho in one of his short stories “Maktub” describes how the delay can have bad effect to our courage.

When the wanderer was ten years old, his mother insisted that he took course in physical education. One of the activities required him to jump from a bridge into a river. Early in the course, he was paralyzed by fear. Each day, he stood last in line, and suffered every time one of those in front made his jump -- because it would shortly be his turn. One day, the instructor -- noticing his fear -- made him take the first jump. Although he was still frightened, it was over so quickly that the fright was replaced by courage. The master says: "Often, we can afford to take our time. But there are occasions when we must roll up our sleeves and resolve a situation. In such cases, there is nothing worse than delay."

(The short story is taken from Paulo Coelho’s writing :”Maktub”)
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Sometimes, we get bored in our work or study. We are irritated with the bad situation we feel. We do not our job and responsibility, and the situation may get worse.
To love what you do, enthusiastic to your mission, play your role at work just like playing your favorite music can make you better at work.
The short story written by Paulo Coelho tells that enthusiasm and joy can create better performance.
A friend of the wanderer went to a play on Broadway, and went out for a drink during the intermission. The lobby was crowded, and people were smoking, talking and drinking. A pianist was playing, but no one paid any attention to his music. The wanderer's friend sipped her drink and studied the musician. He seemed bored -- just doing his job and waiting for the intermission to end. After another drink, and feeling a bit high, she approached the piano. "You're a pain in the neck! Why don't you play just for yourself?" she exclaimed. The pianist was surprised. And then he began to play the kind of music he liked. In just a few minutes, the entire lobby fell silent. When the song was over, there was enthusiastic applause.

(The short story is taken from Paulo Coelho’s writing :”Maktub”)See the info about Human Resource Issues in
, see the article about learning in

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Valentine Day and Cupid Business

Based on Weekly "Valentine" Keyword Statistics, recently this keyword become popular. So, can this day/ occasion inpire us in developing business?

1st US Valentines Manufacturers

Esther A. Howland (1828-1904) of Worcester, Massachusetts, became one of the first U.S. manufacturers of valentines. As an impressionable young student at The Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, Class of 1847, and a contemporary of the young poet Emily Dickinson, Esther had been exposed to the annual Valentine festivities, which were later banned by the college for being too frivolous! After graduating at the age of nineteen, she received an elaborate English Valentine from one of her fathers' business associates, and was confident that she was capable of making similar — even better ones. She convinced her father to order lace paper and other supplies from England and New York City and, with characteristic determination, made a dozen samples, which her brother added to his inventory for his next sales trip. Secretly hoping for as much as $200 In orders, they were stunned when her brother returned with more than $5000 in advance sales — more than she could hope to make herself. Recruiting friends and creating her now-famous assembly line, her business was born. Advertising and word-of-mouth, based on a beautiful product and a wide range of prices, led to a $100,000. per year business, and assured this ingenious woman a place in history. Her valentines were known from Maine to California, and today's collectors can often recognize them by their characteristic refinement and detail.

eHarmony and Cupid Business
Cupid Cash: The online dating service has raised nearly $110 million in venture capital and the Pasadena-based company sold shares of preferred stock to 14 investors. The list of investors included Sequoia Capital and Technology Crossover Ventures. EHarmony said it plans to use the money for working capital and advertising.

Alvin and the Chipmunks - A Chipmunk Valentine (2007)
Animated favorites Alvin, Simon, and Theodore return to the screen in ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: A CHIPMUNK VALENTINE. After Brittany rejects him, Alvin transforms into a chipmunk Casanova. Now Brittany can't resist him, and they go to the Valentine Ball together. Problems (and hilarity) arise when Alvin discovers that he's only Alvin--not the charming character he had imagined. This release also features three more episodes.

Chocolate Demand and Cupid Business

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, people swarmed to bakeries and shopping malls last week to get extra special chocolates for their lovers as a token of love, a little indulgence that puts a smile on their sweethearts’ faces. There is an inherent pressure associated with the Valentine’s day that couples have to prepare gifts and plan something romantic for their counterparts.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


The Alchemist is a legend from Middle East. He can change the metal to be gold. He is always related to Philosophy Stone and Elixir of Life. But, what does he said about change?

Life is dynamic. There is always change. So, we need to change and change must be started from us. Meaning to say, we should change ourselves first. Many people see this world as scary place, and this perspective make the world becomes scary place for them Many books invite us to make a change, such as Who Move My Cheese and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. In Coelho’s novel, The Alchemist said, “If we try to be better than we are now, everything around us will go better.”

“Everyone who interferes other’s Personal Legend will not found their precious treasures.” Sometimes, we are trapped to change other without changing ourselves first. We just see our friends’ weakness without self improvement. Change yourselves first then the others will follow. That’s the principle of leadership.

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Mewujudkan Legenda Pribadi Bersama Sang Alkemis

Menentukan tujuan merupakan proses yang menentukan dalam perencanaan kehidupan pribadi kita. Proses penetapan tujuan membantu kita menentukan arah perjalanan hidup kita. Dengan mengetahui secara pasti apa yang ingin kita raih, apa yang menjadi legenda pribadi kita, kita kan mengetahui apa yang harus kita fokuskan.

Dalam sebuah novel best seller berjudul “Sang Alkemis” dikisahkan perjalanan seorang pemuda penggembala bernama Santiago dari Andalusia dalam mewujudkan legenda pribadinya yaitu mencari harta karun di dekat piramida di Mesir. Ketika ia sedang tidur di bawah pohon di Andalusia, ia bermimpi tentang perjalannya ke priamida Mesir dan mendapatkan harta karun. Demi mewujudkan impiannya dari Eropa ia menyebrang ke Afrika. Pertemuannya dengan seorang raja, Sang Alkemis, pemimpin caravan dan gadis gurun membuatnya terus maju untuk mewujudkan impiannya. "treasure lies where your heart belongs.” “Di mana hatimu, di situ terletak hartamu.” Kata-kata ini memotivasi dirinya untuk mewujudkan legenda pribadinya yaitu mewujudkan impiannya mencari harta karun di dekat Piramida Mesir. Kisah perjalanan dan kiasan-kiasan dalam novel ini memberikan inspirasi kepada kita dalam perjuangan hidup meraih cita-cita dan impian karena kita semua punya cita-cita, kita semua punya impian, kita semua punya harta karun yang mungkin masih terpendam.

Mengatasi Hambatan
Setiap orang di bumi mempunyai “harta” yang menantinya. Mewujudkan legenda pribadi merupakan kewajiban real manusia. Setiap orang mempunyai impian. Setiap orang mempunyai legenda pribadi. Setiap orang memiliki cita-cita atau nilai yang berharga dalam hati mereka. Impian atau legenda pribadi adalah apa yang selalu ingin kita tunaikan. Tetapi kita sering menghadapi hal-hal yang tampaknya negatif yang membuat kita merasa mustahil untuk mewujudkan legenda pribadi kita. Padahal sebenarnya hal-hal tersebut menunjukan cara kita mewujudkan legenda pribadi. Sayangnya, kita sering memilih untuk tidak mewujudkan legenda pribadi kita. Banyak orang yang menyerah terlalu dini sebelum meraih impian mereka.

Dalam perjalanannya, Santiago menemui banyak hambatan yang sempat membuat dirinya gentar. Perjalanannya ke piramida harus melewati gurun dan dalam novel ini gurun melambangkan cobaan yang harus dilalui dalam meraih cita-cita. Ia sempat tertipu dan kehabisan uang, terjebak dalam perang antar suku di gurun, kudanya disita dan ia pun sempat ditahan oleh orang-orang gurun. bertemu para perompak di Mesir. Santiago mewakili setiap orang yang berjuang meraih cita-cita. Dalam setiap perjuangan meraih mimpi, kita sering menghadapi situasi sulit, seperti terjebak dilingkungan yang negatif ataupun keterbatasan secara finansial. Juga tidak jarang, teman-teman kita menertawakan kita ketika kita mengungkapkan impian kita. Sang Alkemis sendiri berkata, “Bila kau memiliki harta yang sangat bernilai didalam dirimu, dan mencoba memberitahu orang lain tentang hal itu, jarang ada yang percaya.”

Tetapi hambatan dan godaan-godaan itu sebenarnya juga datang dari dirinya sendiri. Ia hampir tergoda untuk mengurungkan niatnya dan kembali ke Andalusia atas anjuran si penjual kristal ketika ia telah berhasil mengumpulkan uang bersama si penjual kristal. Santiago juga hampir tergoda untuk tidak melanjutkan perjuangannya ketika ia merasakan kenyamanan di daerah oase dan bertemu dengan gadis gurun. Oase dan godaan untuk pulang kembali ke Andalusis dalam kisah ini bisa diartikan sebagai zona kenyamanan (comfort zone). Banyak orang memilih untuk tidak meneruskan perjalanan meraih cita-cita dan mewujudkan legenda hidup karena mereka telah terbuai dalam zona kenyamanan.

Bagaimanapun, hambatan dan godaan yang di alami Santiago tidak membuatnya menyerah. Justru dari godaan-godaan dan hambatan itu ia belajar banyak hal yang berharga. Sebelum sebuah mimpi terwujud, Jiwa Buana menguji semua yang telah dipelajari sepanjang perjalanan, bukan karena ia jahat tetapi supaya kita maju sebagai tambahan mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi, menguasai perjalanan-perjalanan yang kita tekuni saat bergerak menuju mimpi itu. Jika di tengah perjalanan, pikiran menggoda kita untuk menyerah, ingatlah akan cita-cita, tujuan dan mimpi yang ingin diraih. Ingatlah alasan mengapa kita melakukan perjalanan itu.

Berani Mengambil Keputusan
Keberanian mengambil keputusan merupakan sifat seorang kepemimpinan. Walaupun kita bukan pemimpin organisasi atau seorang manajer, setidaknya kita semua adalah pemimpin untuk diri kita sendiri. Novel ini memberi kita ilham untuk mengikuti mimpi-mimpi kita sendiri dengan memandang dunia melalui mata kita sendiri bukan orang lain. Dalam meraih cita-cita kita sering dihadapkan pada situasi di mana kita harus berani mengambil keputusan untuk diri kita. Ironisnya, kita sering memilih keputusan yang sebenarnya bukan keputusan kita. Jika kita tidak berani mengambil keputusan maka orang lainlah yang akan mengambil keputusan untuk kita. Keberanian untuk mengambil keputusan memang harus diikiuti dengan keberanian untuk mengambil resiko. Dalam novel ini, Santiago dalam perjalanan mewujudkan legenda pribadinya bertekad untuk mengambil keputusan bagi hidupnya. Ia berani mengambil keputusan untuk menjadi gembala karena ia suka berkelana. Ia berani memutuskan untuk menjual domba-dombanya dan pergi ke Mesir demi mewujudkan cita-citanya walau dengan resiko kegagalan mendapatkan harta karun tidak akan mengembalikan domba-dombanya. Di tengah cerita, ia berani mengambil keputusan untuk meninggalkan oase yang merupakan zona kenyamanan baginya untuk meraih impiannya menuju piramida.

Menjiwai Kerja dan Usaha Kita

Kisah “Sang Alkemis” mengajarkan kita tentang kearifan universal tentang bagaimana kita mendengarkan hati kita, membaca tanda yang bertebaran di sepanjang hidup manusia dan terutama bagaimana mengikuti mimpi-mimpi kita dan meraih tujuan hidup. Dalam novel ini Melchizedek, raja kerajaan Salem, memberikan nasihat kepada Santiago untuk selalu mengikuti dan peka akan tanda-tanda yang ditunjukan oleh Sang Pencipta. “Saat kau menginginkan sesuatu, segenap alam semesta bersatu untuk membantumu meraihnya.” Cara belajar yang baik adalah dengan tindakan dan menjalani legenda pribadi. Sang Alkemis mengajarkan kita untuk mendengarkan suara hati kita karena suara itu berasal dari Jiwa Buana.

Santiago sebelum memulai perjalanannya ke Piramida, membuat perencanaan perjalanan menuju ke Piramida. Pertemuannya dengan Melchizedek memberi ia pelajaran untuk lebih menjiwai perjalanan dan usahanya menuju ke Piramida. Itulah yang harus dilakukan setiap orang untuk mewujudkan mimpinya, yaitu menjiwai kerja, usaha dan perjalanan hidup. Dalam mewujudkan legenda pribadi, kita perlu membawa perencanaan-perencanaan yang ada dalam otak kita ke dalam hati kita, sehingga kita selalu menjiwai penerapan dari perencanaan itu atau melibatkan emosi positif dalam usaha kita. Penjiwaan ini merupakan usaha untuk memelihara cita-cita, mendefinisikan alasan kenapa kita harus berhasil. Dalam novel ini, perasaan cinta Santiago dan gadis gurun merupakan tambahan alasan bagi Santiago untuk meraih mimpi. Selama memlihara cita-cita, hati kita akan mampu menunjukan dimana harta itu berada.

Sang Alkemis memberikan nasihat kepada Santiago untuk tidak kalah terhadap rasa takut, karena rasa takut dapat membuatnya kurang menjiwai usaha dan perjalanan yang ia alami. Jangan kalah pada rasa takut karena kekalahan terhadap rasa takut membuat kita tidak mampu mendengarkan hati kita. Bahkan kekalahan terhadap rasa takut membuat kita menyerah dan mematikan impian kita.

Kehidupan memang dinamis. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan perubahan dan perubahan itu harus dimulai dari diri kita. Sang Alkemis memberi pelajaran kepada Santiago untuk melakukan perubahan diri untuk menjadi lebih baik demi mewujudkan impiannya. Kebanyakan orang memandang dunia sebagai tempat yang menakutkan, dan karena mereka begitu, dunia sungguh-sungguh berbalik menjadi tempat menakutkan. Jika kita berusaha menjadi lebih baik dari diri kita sekarang, semua yang ada di sekeliling kita pun jadi lebih baik.

“Setiap orang yang mencampuri Legenda Pribadi hal lain tidak akan pernah menemukan miliknya sendiri.” Kadang kita terjebak untuik melakukan perubahan dengan cara yang tidak tepat. Kita mencoba merubah orang lain tanpa melakukan perubahan terhadap diri kita terlebih dahulu. Kita hanya melihat kelemahan dan kekurangan orang lain tanpa melakukan perbaikan diri.

Mendefinisikan Legenda Pribadi dan Menetapkan Tujuan
Di akhir cerita, Santiago mewujudkan mimpinya sampai di situs piramida di Mesir tetapi ia tidak menemukan harta itu di sana. Di tempat itu ia malah dirampok. Pemimpin perampok menertawakannya ketika Santiago itu menceritakan mimpinya. Pemimpin perampok bercerita bahwa ia pun bermimpi melihat harta karun terpendam di dekat sebuah pohon di Andalusia. Santiago pun kembali ke Andalusia dan ia betapa terkejutnya ia karena menemukan bahwa harta itu benar-benar terpendam di bawah pohon tempat ia biasa menggembala.

Perlu keberanian untuk mewujudkan impian. Akhirnya Santiago menemukan harta itu, tetapi harta yang paling berharga yang ia temukan adalah pengalaman-pengalaman, penemuan jati diri, kebijaksanaan dan nilai-nilai yang ia dapat selama dalam perjalanan ke Piramida Mesir.

Lebih dari itu, pendefinisian legenda pribadi kita dengan cara menentukan tujuan/ sasaran akan secara luar biasa memberikan motivasi serta membangun rasa percaya diri kita. Teknik menentukan tujuan/sasaran memberikan visi jangka panjang dan motivasi. Hal ini mengarahkan diri kita dalam penguasaan pengetahuan, proses belajar, dan membantu kita mengatur waktu dan tenaga sehingga kita dapat melakukan yang terbaik dan memaknai hidup kita.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Once day, a professor made an experiment on bugs’ behavior. He put the bugs in the 20 centimeter- high box and closed the top of the box. Bugs were in the box day by day. As the bugs jumped, their head crashed the box roof. The felt sick and then, they jumped not higher than 20 centimeter so their head would not crash the roof. They did it day bay day and it became their habit. One day, the professor open the roof but what did the professor see? The bugs still jumped not higher than 20 centimeter even if there was no roof.

Many times we also did what the bugs did. We tended not to jump higher because we think that our head would hit the roof and feel sick. Sometimes, when we are trying hard to achieve our goal, our friends and beloved ones say to us not to go on because they love us – they are afraid if we got sick when we hit the roof. We thought that we could not jump higher. Perhaps, many people around us tell to us that we cannot achieve the goal we have set Unfortunately, we just believe that we cannot. Many times, we confirm the negative affirmation about us without realizing that we should make positive affirmation and do the change to jump higher.

However, there is no roof. Our minds set the roof, and set the limit. Make decision to jump higher, don’t be trapped like bugs in the box – you can jump higher and become the record breaker. Make decision and just do it.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Stop Worrying! Happy New Year 2007

"Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere".

Worries are frequently possesed by many people, business failure worry, loss worry, money worry, loneliness worry, unemployment worry, and so many other worries.

It doesn't mean that worries are illegal. However, we should be able to manage appropriate proportion for this matter. We should be able to differentiate between carefullness and fear because fear does not produce anything.

For many years, we have worried and during those years we were far from our goal and dream.

"What happens is what we think or what we think is what will happen" Our energy follows the mind.

Worries produce passiveness, hoplessness,and confussion-- no action.

In other words, worries 'kill' us, kill our creativity and kill our action. It can make us apathetic and it's dangerous.

We should decide two things for worries : Stop and Forget it! Decide now!

Many people make nothing because of over-worrying. In fact, if we analyse almost all action, there is nothing without risk in this life. Even if we choose not to do anything, it also has risk.

If we feel wory, try to think the best solution to overcome the worry.

It's better than just sitting on 'rocking chair' and rocking the chair without any direction and destination.

Do your very best to overcome worries and fear, and go thru positive thingking.

And, every day ... every time.. and every action will be done comfortably, and when we feel comfortable, many things inspire us to result our "works"!

It's better, isn't it?

It's translated from Anne Ahira's article. Anne Ahira is the founder of Asian Brain IMC. Asian Brain IMC is the first and the best learning center for Internet Marketing in Indonesia. Visit