- Fable Story of Organization: Lion and The Jungle
- Butterfly's Story: Is It Enough to be Your Self?
- Gado-Gado Salad's Story: Taste of Diversity
- For Your Blue Eyes Only: A Deaf Cat’s Story
- Fable Story: Alex and The Mold
- The Wok and The Roosters: Fable of Equality
- Blade Story: Blade Looking for a Sheath
- Lowly Donkey and The King of Peace
- Lost Sheep and Good Shepherd
Place to share the inspiration for better life. For the change, we learn, learn, and learn. With you, we can do even better.
Sharing Inspiration, Motivation, Lifestyle, and Business
Monday, December 27, 2010
Inspiration and Motivational: My Fable Short Stories
Friday, December 17, 2010
Santa Claus and How to Become Him
Santa Claus and Christmas. They are two words which have strong relationship. Santa Claus becomes one of the famous icon for Christmas. Children are familiar with him.
Do want to entertain the Children by being Santa Claus? Read How to Be Santa Claus
Baca Juga:
Bagaimana Cara Menjadi Sinterklas atau Santa Claus
Fabel Cita Rasa Keberagaman
Berbeda beragam tapi satu jua, Tak Ada Dharma ke arah yang lain
Itu adalah petikan baris kitab Pususadhasanta atau Sutasoma, yang di tulis oleh Mpu Tantular.
Di jaman sekarang masih saja ada orang yang alergi keberagaman dan perbedaan, mereka terlalu ngarep ama yang namanya keseragaman.
Jangankan golongan, suku, atau agama yang berbeda, dua orang dalam kepercayaan atau kelompok yang sama pun bisa memiliki pikiran beragam. Nah loh, kasian kan kalo memperpanjang ego kita dengan mencari-cari pengakuan dari orang lain tentang apa yang kita yakini dan jalani. Kita ingin segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan kita dianggap lebih.. ini.. lebih itu.. tetapi kita sendiri tidak mau menghargai orang lain.. bukan menghargai deh, minimal membiarkan.
Mau tak mau, keberagaman memang ada, sudah ada, dan akan selalu ada, jadi jika kita alergi dengan keberagaman mungkin kita terjangkit bhinnekaphobia dan perlu minta surat dokter.
Oh ya teman, silahkan baca kisah tentang keberagaman: Kisah Gado-Gado
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Bless in Failure
Whereas to fail means to prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately; to be unsuccessful.
When we seek other people's approval, failure is something disgraceful or terrifying. Sometimes, in professional or educational life, our environment spread fear of failure. Actually, they want us to make improvement to do something better but fear of failure gives bad influence to our subconscious mind; we become afraid to do something innovative; we are afraid to try something new; we are afraid to be proactive; subconsciously, out fear creates block toward our creativity.
Fear is sabotage. We must overcome it. We must deal with fear. We must deal with failure. We should dare to fail. Open up your heart and mind to find bless in failure.
I have fable story,which I rewrite and fabelize from true story. It's the story about failure and the bless in it. Read Alex and the Mold
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Be Uniquely Your Best Self and Celebrate Diversity
The uniqueness in unity can be beautiful and powerful. We need to respect, tolerate, be peace with, be in harmony, and love the others' difference. We can use love and peace becomes our vision to unite in diversity.
Sutasoma Book states ""Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Tan Hana Dharma Mangwra" - Diversity but one dharma
To celebrate the diversity, I wrote a Fable Flash Fiction.
Read my Short Fable Story of Gado-Gado Salad.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
My Blogs
Here are my blogs:
- Little Candles: About Education
- Fable Flash Fictions
- Exotic Quest: Art, Culture and Traveling
- Some articles and short stories in Trion and Bukisa
Monday, November 1, 2010
Step Up Your On-Line Article Popularity
Have you written at Bukisa and Triond for online royalty?
Writing is just beginning. You need to popularize your articles. Create the channels to your article. Make your article searchable.
Read How to Popularize Your Writing
Monday, October 25, 2010
Change! Change! Change!
Why? Because many things change so you need adaptation.
You do need to be someone else. You do not need to change the essence of you. Just be your better self, like from caterpillar to butterfly. Learn! Learn! and Learn!
Be creative and Jump out of the box.
Be grateful! Give thanks to God! Gratitude is the way to respect your life and you to get better life. Ssst, gratitude is also powerful formula.
Dont worry if something ends! because the End will become beauty.
Find the Great Motivator in you.
Never let your past life become your obstacle, manage your mind to overcome it.
Set your goal.
Make good affirmation for success.
God bless you. So be it!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Relationship: Is it about High Quality or Just Compatibility?
This assumption makes us try harder to improve quality to seek approval to get nice relationship. The problem is that we sacrifice ourselves and we do not become ourselves. There is tendency to act poker face and sacrifice in order to be nice person.
If you love to do it, just do it. But the problem is that many nice guys forced themselves. They do not become themselves and seek approval. While it's the time to wide opportunity to have relationship with those who accept as they are, they become needy to the women who reject them.
This problem is called nice guy syndrome. You can google the information about Nice Guy Syndrome.
You deserve to love or to be loved as the way you are. You need self development but you do not need to kill your character.
See! Many non-handsome people and fat man also have harmony relationship. You do not need to be six-packed man to get love. if you want to have six-packed stomach, do it just for you and for your health. Do not do it to seek approval from others. You do not need to be rich man to love or to be loved by women. However, you need to improve your financial life but don't do it to get love. Don't curse yourself if you are not rich nor handsome.
You can learn to develop you character in relationship. But sometimes, relationship is not about quality. It is a gift through compatibility.
Learn and Learn. Be your best self!
Read also:
- A Deaf Cat Story: Someone Will Accept You as You Are
- A Blade Looking for Sheath: it's not about quality. It's about compatibility.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What is A High-Risk Health Pool?
Thanks to the new healthcare reform bill, high-risk health insurance pools will be opening up state by state. Because people with pre-existing health conditions are riskier to insure (because they already have health issues and are guaranteed to cost the health insurance company money) many of them do not have health insurance policies. High-risk pools are state subsidized insurance pools that offer insurance benefits to these high-risk individuals with pre-existing conditions.
High-risk health pools have always existed in some states, but the new insurance regulations have made it so that a new pool will be opened in every state and those individuals who have been without insurance for 6 or more months and who can't otherwise get health insurance coverage will be able to access the pools.
While the pools are state subsidized, that doesn't mean that they are premium free. Those who participate in them must pay a premium that is often quite expensive and for some cost-prohibitive. You might be wondering why it is important that these individuals be pooled together for insurance benefits. The reason is that by pooling them, the participants who have fewer health insurance claims can soften the financial blow of those who do have frequent claims. By pooling all individuals and premiums together, you spread the risk out among more individuals and more premiums and reduce the risk of running out of money to pay claims.
The high-risk pools set up to comply with the healthcare reform bill should offer many of the same benefits as a standard health insurance policy. They may not be luxury plans with coverage for acupuncture and massages, but they will offer benefits for preventative care, wound care, illness and hospitalization as well as medications. They are a welcome benefit to many individuals who have been without any coverage and have been ignoring their health as a result.
Homeowners insurance quotes are sky high in Texas
The real question is to decide exactly what government is for. One side may say there is no real need for centralized services of any kind except for defense and broader economic management. The other side will say government is there to offer some degree of protection to all the people who live in the country. This can be supporting minimum standards of education and healthcare, offering a safety net if there is unemployment, and so on. Thus, the little government side would always avoid regulation, saying it was for the markets to regulate themselves. While the big government side would be there with regulation every time it felt the markets were not working properly to protect people's interests. There is no right answer. Capitalism as a system works well so long as the economy is sound. It gets confused about what should happen when a recession hits.
As an example of the knots politicians can tie themselves into, let us go down to Texas where the Democrats are challenging for the governorship. One of the top issues is proving to be the premium rates for homeowners insurance. The Democratic candidate asserts the rates are an average of $625 higher in Texas than in other states and this justifies detailed regulation to protect consumers. The Republican incumbent accepts the Texan rates are the second highest in the US, but denies the need to intervene in the market. As it stands, insurers do not have to seek prior approval for any rate increases. The Department of Insurance can intervene after the event if there is evidence the rates are excessive.
The campaign is coming down to a choice between keeping the current system or requiring all insurance companies to justify increases before being allowed to apply them. The insurance industry says any more regulation would kill whatever was left of competition on price. As it is, an insurer will lose market share if prices are raised too high. As the internet allows people to compare and contrast prices, it is quickly obvious when one company is out of line. If the state regulated prices, there would be no incentive to continue competition. The Democrats reject this saying the insurers collude to increase their prices together so that no company is ever really out of line. Since they are never asked to justify their increases, they think of a number and announce it. The largest homeowners insurance company, State Farm, has been locked in litigation with the Department of Insurance for the last eight years, alleging it wrongfully instructed it to reduce it premiums. Pending the outcome, no further premium rate increases have been challenged. Overall, rates have risen by 50% during this period.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Obesity and Insurance Rates
Gaining some fat during the winter is something that most of us face every year. And things like that won't affect the rates you insure your life at. But if it's much more than just a seasonal weight gain you might risk having your insurance rates lifted higher, especially if you have become overweight or obese.
The problem is that obesity has become the national health problem and insurance companies are well aware of that, charging higher rates for having too much excessive weight.
The cost of overweight in insurance rates
Most of you know that obesity and overweight leads to higher risk of developing such health problems as diabetes, heart diseases, osteoarthritis, arthritis, various types of cancer and even early death. When an insurance company is setting rates for a specific person it evaluates the overall life expectancy according to a specific demographic group. And it usually turns out that people with too much excessive weight have lower life expectancy than people with healthy weight in the same age and sex group.
Obesity is generally defined as the relation of body fat to the mass of all other tissue a person has. It is usually expressed through the body mass index (BMI) that represents the relation between a person's height and weight. The resulting number is used to define how much the person is overweight (or underweight). Officially, overweight is considered a person who has a BMI between 25 and 29.0. If a person has a BMI of 30 and higher they are considered obese.
If speaking hypothetically, if a man aged 55 with no smoking habits and a BMI of 38 would like to get $250,000 in life insurance coverage then it would cost him $4,256 per year in premiums. But if the same man would have had a BMI lower than 30, getting the same amount of coverage would cost him $3,767 per year. And it's not just a matter of insuring one's life. Health insurance costs will also be higher if you're officially classified as overweight or obese. So having too much excessive weight will certainly hit you hard on the wallet.
Even worse news for women
If you are a woman and are obese, expect to pay even more. And it's not because of sexism or harassment, but because adult women with too much excessive weight have a higher risk of developing certain types of cancer and infertility. Numerous studies have confirmed that there is a direct link between obesity and certain female-specific forms of cancer. And when there's the word "cancer" on the horizon, insurance providers tend to get very expensive.
In order to get lower life insurance quotes you should certainly do something about the excessive weight if there's too much of it. And it's not a matter of minimizing costs (though, you will certainly save a lot on medical bills and insurance costs) but a matter of your own good. By keeping a healthy weight you will improve your health and minimize the risk of developing numerous problems. So it's definitely for your own good, especially if you want to have health and life insurance rates really low.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Inspirational Fable Flash Fictions 2 and Invitation to Write
It is the picture of puppet show of inspirational Javanese Kancil story by Mangun-Dharma.com
If you love to write fable story or other types of writing, you can write, share, and earn from royalty in Triond
List of fable short stories:
- Blade Looking for Girlfriend: Keris' Fable Story
- Lion and The Jungle: Story of Organization and Its Members
- Young Paddies Lear to Grow
- A Wok and The Roosters
- Lost Sheep and Good Shepherd: I am lost too but don't worry
- Buterfly Story: Is It Right to be Yourself?
- Lowly Donkey and the King of Peace
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Fablee Flash Fiction: Blade Looking for a Sheath
Is it true that there is "winner" or "looser" in relationship?
Read Short Story: Blade Looking for a Sheath
Friday, September 3, 2010
Self Development and Personal Reinvention in Fable Book
Through this book, you will learn to reinvent and develop your self.
See more information about The Legend of Light Bearer.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
New Writer on the Block
When you decide and love to write, do not give up. To be or not to be.
2B or not 2B. That is the pencil.
Do not put your pen or pencil down when you face writer’s block. Do not give up. Decode your writer's block and jump out of the writer's block.
Get inspired!
N.B.: I have good news for you. You can join the flash fiction writing contest at International Ubud Writer's Festival
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dating Movies: Tips and Luck
Read Dating Techniques vs Unpredictability of Love
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wonderful Trade Show Booths for Your Interaction with Prospects
In a trade fair (trade show or expo), the companies in a specific industry can introduce their ideas, products, services, and they can also observe the recent market trends and opportunities.
In consumer and trade show, the companies build trade show booths to attract the people. By the traffic of people, the companies hope that people visit their booth. It is the opportunity for the companies to introduce themselves and their products or services. The company hopes that it can make the interaction with people. Trade show is the opportunity for the people to get the information about the company. The employees who are in charge in the booth should have ability to raise people’s curiosity. The company’s employees and the appearance of company’s booth plays important role to attract people to come and the company can handout brochures. The booth must be able to impress on the attendees who are walking past the company’s exhibit. The appearance of trade show booth should be unforgettable for the people. The company needs to personalize its trade show booths. The displays are various in cost, complexity and size. All displays are designed to visually attract the attendees or people.
In my experience, the exhibitor must plan and prepare trade show furniture, trade show flooring, leaflet holders, light boxes, banner stands, chairs, exhibit counters and cabinets, booth pipe and drape, table covers, exhibit picture and more.
Companies or exhibitors use trade show booths to introduce their products, services, and idea.
To facilitate the interaction between prospects and exhibitors, good booths provide table. Table also decorates the beauty of the booth and it must be unique. The exhibitor uses table skirts in trade shows. The table skirts should make the table more attractive and eye-catching. To choose the table skirts, we must consider their quality, type of fabric, and color. We must also consider the harmony between the color of table skirts or cover and the color of the wall. To be unique, logo or promotional picture can be also printed on the table skirt in a variety of colors.
Many exhibitors use banner stands as advertising tools to introduce their idea, products, or services. They can set up banner stands anywhere. There are various types of banner stands, such as: Motorized Scrolling Banner Stands, Retractable Banner Stands, Telescoping Banner Stands, Standard Banner Stands, and Outdoor Banner Stands. The banner stands are cost effective and easy to set up.
To divide the trade show displays, exhibitor use Pipe and Drape. In my experience in job fair, we also use Pipe and Drape to make privacy walls and crowd control. There are screw fit and slip fit versions of Pipe and Drape. Choose the Pipe and Drape which is easy to set up without tools.
Have wonderful interaction with prospects in your wonderful trade show booth!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Inspirational Short Stories I
Most of them are fable stories (fable flash fiction/ FFF)
- Wok and The Roosters
- Lion and The Jungle: Fable of Organization and Its Human Resources
- I Am a Lost Sheep
- Butterfly's Story: Is it Enough to Be Yoursefl?
- Young Paddies Learn to Grow
- Lowly Donkey and The King of Peace: A Biblical Fable Story
- No Pain No Gain
- The Talent: Reloaded
Writing Tips:
How to Write Inspirational Fable Flash Fiction
Friday, July 30, 2010
LED tail lights Make Your Car Sexier
A sexy woman has sexy butt. A sexy car has attractive LED Tails Lights.
Make butt of your car sexier with tail lamps, called LED Tails Lights. LED Tails Lights make your car sexier.
When the night comes, with LED Tails Lights, your car becomes more attractive in the dark.

For your information, LED tail lights are parts of automovie lighting or auto tail light system which uses light emitting diode lamp (LED).
LED and Euro Style tail lights are good choice. They radiate your confidence into any ride. LED tail lights are fantastic, fashionable, and dynamic. If you people with modern style you can choose the hottest techno-advanced options, including altezza lights, custom LED taillights, and 3rd brake lights for your wonderful action.
Choose LED tail lights which are compliant with DOT regulations to make sure their safety along with their fantastic style.
Are you looking for LED Tails Lights?
Find them at CARiD.com.
CARiD.com is the online automotive accessories store, based in Edison, NJ.
CARiD.com offers automotive products for both interior and exterior custom styling, performance and comfort. The company has been in custom and OEM car accessories business since 2003.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Auto Insurance for Teen Drivers
Teenagers can't hide their excitement when the time comes and they are old enough to drive their own cars and have their own driver's license. What should a parent expect when the time comes and the teen gets behind the wheel? This is the question that bothers most parents. There's no secret that teen drivers are the hardest to control and they tend to take a lot of risk due to their overconfidence and the desire to show off in front of their colleagues or friends. And there are a lot of accidents with young drivers being involved. With all that in mind a typical parent becomes very agitated and tries to find the best insurance solution for their young car owner. However, due to the trends linked to young drivers, teenager auto coverage is rarely a cheap service as compared to standard insurance policies. Most insurance companies charge higher rates for teen drivers, and if your young car owner chose a sports vehicle as his or her first car, expect to pay a lot for the insurance.
Teen drivers sure get quite unhappy because of such situation, however there are certain reasons for this that just can't be overlooked by insurance companies. The statistics are objective, showing that the number of teen drivers getting involved in accidents each year is greater than with older drivers. That it often caused by the lack of practical driving experience and the general risk-taking attitude most teen drivers share. No surprise that insurance companies are setting higher rates for young drivers, as they need to assess their risks correspondingly. It may seem that there's no way to get cheap car insurance for a young driver but it is not so. There are simple tips on how to minimize teen insurance rates and here are some of them.
First of all, make the teen forget about a stylish sports car that roars with speed and power with the slightest push over the gas pedal. Don't buy a small car too. The best choice for young inexperienced driver will be a larger car, preferably a sedan that will be both big enough to survive a serious crash and safe enough to keep your teen protected. Whether used or new, the car should carry all the necessary safety feature and be just as fast as needed, not over the top or too slow.
A used car is better for a young driver, first of all because it will be cheaper to insure and because sooner or later your teen will have an accident. And it's cheaper repairing an old car than wasting your nerves and money on trying to fix an expensive new ride. This may be not the cheapest car insurance option, but it sure will save you a lot of cash before your teen gets older.
And don't forget about discounts. First of all, you should teach your young driver how to maintain a good driving record. The cleaner it is, the lower will be his or her premiums, so you should convince your teen to drive safely. Good students can opt for discounts too. Most insurance companies offer discounts to students with an average of B and above, so that should be a good kick for better marks too.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Joke of this Month
Does she really want your kiss? Be careful with what you hear! Make sure what she says is the same with what is in your mind. Misunderstanding can make you suffer. It is a humor of homophone.
I am just kidding in this writing. When you read it, do not be so serious. "No Pain No Gain" is popular quote. However, another kinds of people have their credo about "Pain" and "Gain." What do Sadist, Masochist, businessmen, and unlucky hard worker say about "Pain"and "Gain"?
Be happy!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
With USAEyes, Avoid Bad Lasik Doctors
Good selection needs good decision. Good decision needs good information. Good information comes from reliable source. If you are a Lasik patient or have planning to do Lasik surgery, you need special information to select a Lasik doctor. Don't put your eyes into a risk! You need trustworthy health information from reliable source. Avoid bad advice by bad Lasik Doctor with USAEyes!
The USAEyes patient advocacy organization publishes the 50 Tough Questions For Your Lasik Doctor. USAEyes conducts a national Lasik results survey to certify select Lasik surgeons. The survey reports real-world Lasik results as experienced by patients. USAEyes is reliable information source about Lasik as cited by US Congressional subcommittee. USAEyes representatives have testified before the FDA.
What is USAEyes?
USAEyes is the Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance (CRSQA). It is a nonprofit Lasik patient advocacy organization.
You can get reliable and trustworthy information about Lasik in USAEyes.org.
USAEyes.org website has assisted patients to learn important issues about Lasik and other vision correction surgery. It also provides interactive Internet bulletin board about Lasik.
Get reliable and trustworthy information before you decide!
Read Also:
The Best of Ophthalmology.....EyeWorld News Magazine
Friday, July 9, 2010
Fable of Wok and Roosters: Equality and Respect
There is high class. There is middle class. There is low class.
Everyone wants to be important.
Many people seek approval from the others.
Some people tend to underestimate the others.
Some people forget to respect each other and they forget that they are equal in the God's eyes.
Read The Wok and The Roosters
This fable talks about equality.
Do not be so serious when you read it!
It is Educative & entertaining.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Right Man in The Right Place to Settle Accident Case in Hawaii
Are you the victim of accident in Hawaii? Are you the victim of malpractice in Hawaii?
You need lawyer to settle your insurance claim regarding accidents.
You need lawyer with knowledge and experience.
You need lawyer who is able to give you bst result.
You can have aggressive legal representation in order to protect your rights and get you the compensation you deserve with the Law Offices of David W. Barlow.
Hawaii Accident Lawyer
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You love to enjoy beauty but you cannot see her face clearly without glasses.
You love to kiss your girlfriend but your eye glasses disturb your romantic movement.
Be Rid of Reading Glasses!
NearVision Conductive Keratoplasty (NearVision CK) can reduce the need of glasses for readers for months at a time.
The doctor can do NearVision CK in a doctor’s office in about 20 minutes and it normally has no pain.
Read General NearVision CK information
The Stahl Eye Center doctors’ patient outcomes have been independently verified by nonprofit patient advocacy USAEyes to meet or exceed the national norms.
Stahl Eye Center doctors are graduates from top universities such as UCLA, John Hopkins and Yale.
Stahl Eye Center has three locations in New York including Manhattan and Long Island.
See Doctor information
Stahl Eye Center
Young Paddies Learn to Grow: a Fable of Freedom to Grow and
Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties. Click here
You can send your article or short story (Flash Fiction).
Writing in wikinut like planting paddies, one day through your royalty you can harvest.
Read Young Paddies Learn to Grow
It is the (3F: FFF) fable flash fiction about respect to freedom and grow as well as interdependence.
"Everyone needs freedom to grow as individual. It is a fable of self development, of respect to freedom, and of role as team player."
Monday, June 28, 2010
Overcoming Dry Eye Problem of Lasik Patient
Dry Eye, Eye Drops, Dry Eye Treatment
When your eyes are dry, you need eye drops -- recommended eye drops. Your eyes need to be wet, wet , wet. According to Wikipedia, dry eye syndrome (DES) or simply dry eyes,is an eye disease caused by decreased tear production or increased tear film evaporation. Due to the fact that Dry Eye can complicate Lasik, Stahl Eye Center conducted studies on Restasis for Lasik patients. Restasis was originally developed to treat Dry Eye Syndrome. FDA has approved Restasis as prescription medication to treat the underlying cause of some dry eye.
Stahl Eye Center is reliable organization with its doctors who are graduates from top universities such as UCLA, John Hopkins, and Yale. It has been serving patients for more than 35 years.
See Stahl Eye Center doctor information.
Read "Stahl Eye Center studies effect of restasis on Lasik/ laser vision correction."
Further Info:
Stahl Eye Center
Stahl Eye Center
Thursday, June 24, 2010
LASIK: Reduce Your Attachement to Eye Glasses
You can see reliable US Lasik results data at USAEyes
Stahl Eye Center has been providing the service for patients for more than 35 years.
Stahl Eye Center is located in New York including Manhattan and Long Island.
Correct Your Vision and See Beauty!
Stahl Eye Center
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
When Your Eye Center Suggests LASIK, What Do You Do before Making Decision?

Maybe, Eye Center suggests you conducting Lasik Eye Surgery.
However, you need reliable information from reliable source, provided by reliable organization.
Get reliable information before making decision!
USAEyes is the Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance. On its website (usaeyes.org), Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance, a consumer information group, lists eye surgeons. It certifies who meet the standards for after-operative visual acuity and patient satisfaction. People are unique.
Not everyone is a right candidate for laser eye surgery.
USAeyes provides article about laser eye surgery
USAeyes provides reliable advocacy to LASIK patients.
USAeyes provides help for the patients to learn important issues about Lasik and similar vision correction surgery.
USAEyes provides a reliable source of Lasik information.
USAEyes provides an interactive Internet bulletin board where Lasik patients can join Q and A before and after surgery.
What is Lasik eye surgery?
According to WIKIPEDIA, LASIK or Lasik (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is a type of refractive surgery for correcting myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. LASIK is performed by ophthalmologists using a laser. It is laser vision correction, conducted by laser eye surgery doctors.
Reliable source leads to reliable information. Reliable information leads to right knowledge. Right knowledge leads to good understanding. Good understanding leads to wise decision. Wise decision leads to right action. Right action leads to good result.
To have good result for your eye care, consult reliable source before making decision!
Read also “A Lighter, Defter Touch” article.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
NO PAIN NO GAIN! The bodybuilding community adopted the phrase.
According to Wikipedia, No pain, no gain (or "No gain without pain") is an exercise motto that came into prominence after 1982 when actress Jane Fonda began to produce a series of aerobics workout videos.
Now, I do not want to discuss about it. I just want to share humor quotes by various kinds of people about PAIN and GAIN.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Amazing Google Docs: Free Storage Cloud! Your Mobile Office Work Made Easy!
Search free word processor and free online spreadsheet application in Google, you will fine Google Docs. It seems that Goggle has cloud storage or cloud computing with Microsoft Office 2010.
Picture is taken from rhinoweb.us
Google Docs provides free word processor like free word office software or MS Word. Google Docs is free cloud storage by Google. Google Docs provides free office application. Google provide word document and xls reader. You can enjoy free word processing. You can also use Google Docs to open your power point file. Google Docs provides free presentation software with free presentation background, template, and theme. Try to make web-based documents, spreadsheets (open, edit, and make xls file online), drawings, and presentations. Through Google Docs, you can upload and share the document with another chosen users. Visit it, Learn It, Try It.
If you need more information about Google Docs, you can read my article:
Google Docs: Your Free Office Application at the Sky for Efficiency
Monday, May 31, 2010
Get Right Advice from Right Source Before Lasik Surgery!

Do you want to see the beauty of beloved one clearly? Do you want to solve your vision problem? Do you want to read clearly?
Perhaps, a doctor or your friend advises you to try Lasik surgery.
Four your health and safety, before doing Lasik, you need:
- trustworthy health information about Eye Refractive Surgery
- advice and advocacy to avoid bad Lasik doctor.
- Info about the survey report and statistics related to Lasik
- to search the evidence.
- Forum for asking the questions about Lasik
Right people give right advice. Right advice leads to right consideration. Right consideration leads to right decision. Right decision leads to right action. Right action leads to right result.
You need right advice from right people. Where can you get right advice?
At USAEyes.org
Why is USAEyes the right place for asking information about LASIK?
US Congressional subcommittee cited USAEyes.org as reliable source of Lasik information
There is forum to ask about Lasik in USAEyes.org
USAEyes evaluates the Lasik results of individual doctors and certifies if they meet their exacting standards.
Representatives of USAEyes have testified before the FDA about Lasik patient advocacy.
USAEyes has been cited in Newsweek, US News & World Report, CBS News, National Public Radio, NBC Nightly News, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fox News, Associated Press, MSNBC, and Oprah!
The USAEyes 50 Tough Questions for Your Lasik Doctor can help anyone avoid a bad Lasik doctor.
Get free information and advice!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Hawaii Injury Attorney/Lawyer: Solution for Victim of Accident and Medical Malpractice

Are you the victim of accident? Are you injured victim of someone else negligence? Are you in Hawaii?
Are you the victim of Auto Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Slip and Falls, Motorcycle, Moped Accident, Bicycle Accidents, or Dog Bites? Do you find personal injury attorney or lawyer?
DAVID W. BARLOW's law offices in Hawaii can give you advocacy and knowledgable support as well as fast service for compensation claim. You need Injury Attorney/ Lawyer.
DAVID W. BARLOW's law offices have made their clients satisfied with their service.
If you have question to ask, contact Barlow for consultation!
Hawaii Personal Injury
Hawaii Injury Attorney
Hawaii Injury Lawyer
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Hell Poem: Writing Poem to Manage Your Anger
Anger must be managed. Writing can be a therapy to manage anger or dissappointment.
Anger can be directed to creative things. Don't be destructive.
-When you think like hell, feel like hell, and has a moment like hell, you can write a poem to express.
You need to throw the negative energy of anger by expressing it. Some authors express it in short stories, poems, and novels.
In therapy, patients write something and the experts try to understand what the patients feel by reading their pieces.
My friend express his feeling in the following poems:
- Burn Friend
- Despairing Heart
- Deserted Pride
However, people in hell moment can express their doubt positively/ honestly in creative writing.
Read Haiku of Serenity in Doubt
Friday, May 7, 2010
FABLE FLASH FICTION: Lost Sheep and Good Shepherd | Authspot
Have you read LEGION the Movie 2010? The Archangel Michael in the movie said, ¨ Some people, who realize that being lost is so close to being found." I like the quote. Give me inspiration about being lost and being found.
In real life, some people tried to dominate and said that I was lost and they were in the true path. Some people told a lie, others told the truth. The situation made me confused to decide whether I do something right or wrong. Honestly, I had not heard God's voice, I had not seen God's face, but I believe in God. Some people killed or hurt others in the name of God. Sometimes, I think "to whom should I believe."
In the other hand, sometimes, it was difficult to decide something when we faced difficult options. Sometimes, I was not sure whether my girl friend was good life partner for me. Sometimes, I was not sure whether the job that I had chosen is the right career.
Hi, I do not give up. I am confident that I can do the best but sometimes I am not sure that some choice that I make is the best for me. Is it my own will, or God's will.
God give me freewill but I believe that God's Will is the best for me. In technical way, I will do the best. For my future, I plan and I am going to be better. However, for the unknown part of my life, I choose submission to God.
I am not a good man. Maybe, I am lost. Maybe, I cannot hear God's voice. But God will find me and guide me to His Will if I open my heart.
I express my feeling in an Inspirational Very Short Story, a Fable Flash Fiction, titled "LOST SHEEP AND THE GOOD SHEPHERD"
Enjoy and read it!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
LASIK Helps You to See Beauty
Do you have vision problem when reading? Must you wear thick glasses in order to read?
Do you love to enjoy beautiful scene to get inspired but you cannot see it clearly?
Must you wear thick glasses to see the smile of your beloved ones?
With laser technology, you can solve your vision problem.
LASIK is surgery to correct your vision.
According to Wikipedia, LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is a type of refractive surgery for correcting myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. To see the surgery video, click here
Photo by D Sharon Pruitt
It is effective. Based on survey, many people are satisfied with the result.
There is no pain, no wasting your valuable time, no need of opname.
The Doctor Information is available at Stahl Eye Center
It is interesting, isn't it?
You can contact my friend,
An Ophthalmologist in New York,
Dr. Thierry Hufnagel
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Be a Transformer or Be Your Self? Read Butterfly's Story

Do you have dream that you haven't realized?
Do you have goal that you haven't achieve?
Do you have problem in your relationship and social life?
Do you feel that you need to develop self confidence?
Do you need to be more skillful?
Do you want to attract women?
Do you feel that you have habit which disturb other's and your life?
Do you need self improvement to make better life?
If "yes" is the answer of one of the above questions, you need "change." You need improvement and up-grade in your life. You need transformation your self. You need to be Transformer for your own life.
But, sometimes, we reject the improvement and good change by saying "be your self!¨
Or when we ask our friends about "how to be effective or better person", they just say "be your self."
Which one is better Change/ Transformation/ Self Improvement or just "be your self"?
Is 'being your self" contrast with "self improvement"?
Is "being your stagnant self" right path?
Friends, I share good article for you about it.
Read article: Don't Yourself by Scott H Young.
Don't comment before you read his article.
He is smart person. He is writer of must-read books and sharing the inspiration at www.scotthyoung.com
"Be your self" or "self-transformer for better life" sometimes become inner conflict in our mind.
23 hours ago, I post flash fiction ( a short fable story) to answer the question about it.
I hope that the story can inspire you. The story is fable about self improvement.
Read Butterfly's Story: Is It Enough to Be Your Self?
See You at The Top
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

If you love writing, photography, clip making, and graphic design, this article gives good opportunity for you to start.
Share Your Knowledge, Build Network, Make New Friend, Appreciate Other Users and Get Money from Ongoing Royalty of Your Piece!
You can simply write article or short story to get money from royalty in Triond.
To see the sample of writing, READ some of my writings in Triond, as follows:
1. Fable Story about Management (Flash Fiction):
2. How-to Article
3. Dating and Relationship
4. Informational Article
5. Movie Review
6. Writing Tips
And other kind of writings, such as thought, short story, prose, poetry, article ( about IT, health, website, book, etc), as well as sharing your pictures and clip.
If you love writing, graphic design, photography, and making clip, Triond is the place for you!
You can earn money from:
- Royalty based on the visit or view to your piece (writing, clip, picture)
- Referral program (promote your referal link, Invite new members, make
network, motivate them to share their knowledge, and you will get the
- Google Adsense in Triond ( Triond has cooperation with Google Adsense, If you
already have Google Adsense, you can collaborate with Triond to earn
money from Pay per Click program
Waste No Time!
Do Your Best!
Click Here to start in Triond
Friday, March 26, 2010
Do You Oversleep? Set Your Inner-Clock Alarm | Bukisa.com
Do you need to get up early in the morning? Do you oversleep and wake up late? or instinctively turn off your alarm clock and sleep again? The technique to set inner-clock alarm in your mind can help your problem.
Click Here to get tips
Monday, March 15, 2010
Fable Story: Lion and The Jungle
I have read the verse of ancient poem scroll of Negara Kertagama form 13th century Majapahit Kingdom in Indonesia.
In that verse, the King said the dukes that the relationship between Kingdom and its villages/ parts must be like relationship between Lion and the Jungle.
Based on the verse, I wrote short story, a fable story, titled Lion and the Jungle.
To read Lion and the Jungle, click here
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Mind Power Technique: Blast From Past and Back to The Future
You cannot help weak people if you are weak.
Make you are self strong to help others. Gain success then inspire other to reach the goal.
To do something for your self and inspire other, you need to undergo your personal legend.
Sometimes, the ancient secret or wisdom gives us idea in our journey to realize our dream. However we must synchronize it with recent or modern conditions.
I call this approach "Blast from Past and Back to Future".
It means the combination of ancient wisdom and recent approach to make better future.
This technique is very useful to develop and manage your mind power to get success.
To get the technique, click HERE