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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fantasy Story: Ride The Griffin

Ride The Griffin is short story written by YW Purnomosidhi. It is a story about self control and development.

It is story of Patrick Shamrock's last mid semester tasks to receive the sword of knight. Patrick had to learn to ride the griffin, write the manual to ride the griffin, and join super animal race championship. To accompany Patrick, Master Smarasanta sent Petroox, a musician for paradise.

In this fantasy story, the writer combines fairytale characters from western and east culture. Griffin is crypted animal of western culture whereas Ahool is giant bad from south east asia's myth.

Ghandarva, term for paradise musician, is from Indian mythology whereas elf is from west culture.

Have fun and read fantasy fiction: Ride The Griffin

Love, Creativity, and Valentine

Love is irresistible desire to be irresistible desired. True love cannot be found if it does not truly exist nor can it be hidden if it truly does. However, we need to express our love. We need to express it in creative way. When female power meets male power, third power occurs -- that is power of creation. Love can raise creativity. Love is a treasure of the quest of your heart and life.

Every day is supposed to be the day to celebrate love. However, human beings need one day to remind them, for example: Valentine's day.

Many couples celebrate Valentine's Day annually to celebrate love. The day is named after a Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine. It's held on February 14.

Celebration in relationship is important. Celebration can rejuvenate and refresh the relationship.
Shop Amazon - Valentine's Day Top Gift Ideas

Love raise creativity and relationship needs creativity. Be funny! Sometimes, you need to tell a story or a joke to make your partner laugh. They look sexy when they laugh.

Open up your heart! Open up your mind! Welcome Love!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Accept Yourself and Explore Power of Uniqueness

Metamorphosis is the change of shape in animal's life cycle.

Human being does not experience metamorphosis but he changes in his life cycle. All hopes that in their life cycle they become better. In life cycle, someone needs to accept his uniqueness and develop himself to be better without changing himself to be others.

You cannot be the other. If you can, you cannot find your hidden treasure and explore the best of you.

It is essential to accept yourself, develop your uniqueness, realize the power of uniqueness and be your best self.

I have a fable story about it. Read Frog's Story: Jump! Jump!