I remember how the first time I became an Emcee (MC = Master of Ceremony). Basically I was shy person, litle bit had low self confidence. However, I had experiences in public speaking, first, when I had presentation as students, but I was trembling during the presentation. When I presented my research in thesis exam, I did it better because preparation and affirmation plus vizualization technique before presentation. All of my friends laughed at my nervousness. Then, when I bacame a teacher, my audiences were my students. I was not nervous because I was their superior :-)
But, as an Emcee (MC = Master of ceremony), it's different.
After resigning as English teacher from school, I worked as translator and Training and Development Staff in an MLM/ Direct Selling company. Distributors were the greatest asset of MLM company and my team's and my job was to mantain good relationship with distributors in order to develop their network through functions, events, and training programs.
In the events, training, and functions, I did my job not as speaker nor MC, I became a technical staff, instead. Sometime, I became equipment and tools crew, building the stage and decoration, and loading event equipments. Sometime, I became a cameraman or photographer. I was not a man on the stage.
I was PIC in weekly events for distributors. It was attended by hundred distributors per meeting. The events were Orientation of Product Presentation and Quality Control Circle. In this two events, there was two staff in charge, my friends, as Music DJ, and me as technical staff, who prepared equipment, speakers and MC. The speakers and MC were from distributor leaders.
One day, the speakers came to the event but the MC, whom I had invited before,did not show up. Audiences were waiting and the event must go on. So, I had no choice. I should became an MC. I felt nervous, I got to restroom and did 'push up' exercise to make my body erect and I also did breathing exercise. I had ever did my job as cameraman and knew the theory in MC training, but it was the ferst time for action. I did vipashana, I listen to my heart beat, not try to fight my nervousness but to accept it with smile and fell the air flow of my breathing. And the show time, I got on the stage infront of hundred audiences, and I started emceeing.
That's the first time, I became an MC. Then, my department chose me to be an MC in biggest training event. Well, I feel the change within.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Javanese Aji Caka Script and Five Elements of Nature

Javanese alphabet by ancient mystical king, Aji Caka, consists 20 letters. In order, the letters was written in 4 lines by Aji Saka to commemorate his messengers.
Besides, they also have ancient teaching about human life.
Ha Na Ca Ra Ka means there were messengers. This line has philoshophical meaning that every human being is messenger of god. Every one has role for harmony when they were born.
In elemental nature philosophy, this line represents element of wind. Wind means direction to the goal. Everyone is created due to divine purpose.
Da ta sa wa la means the messengers met and discussion happened. This sentence mean that in our life we need to share and discuss. Our relationship is about networking with other.
This sentence represents element of water or flexibility. This element teach us to mantain harmonious relationship with others, that is why we need people skills for life. Flexibility and open mind are essential for learning.
Pa dha ja ya nya means both of messengers were fighting and both of them won. This sentence represents element of fire or desire or fighting spirit. In our life, we need to have fighting spirit to win. We should be enthusiasm in what we do.
Ma ga ba tha nga means both of messengers died. When we die, our body are burried and back to the earth. It represents element of earth.
It can allso mean 'memento mori'. We should remember that all human beings will die. In our life there is something to change, and there is something that we cannot change. We should have serenity in our action.
So, what is the fifth element in Javanese alphabet? The fifth element also represents fifth element of nature. The fifth element is not written because it is element of void or spirit, It is the divine mystery of god.
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