Often, in our life, we tend to delay our decision to grow, we delay our steps for better life, delay our step to increase our work performance, delay our decision to improve our education because we are afraid of failure. But, we delay we do not go anywhere. Delay to make courage step just make our fear grow worse.
Paulo Coelho in one of his short stories “Maktub” describes how the delay can have bad effect to our courage.
When the wanderer was ten years old, his mother insisted that he took course in physical education. One of the activities required him to jump from a bridge into a river. Early in the course, he was paralyzed by fear. Each day, he stood last in line, and suffered every time one of those in front made his jump -- because it would shortly be his turn. One day, the instructor -- noticing his fear -- made him take the first jump. Although he was still frightened, it was over so quickly that the fright was replaced by courage. The master says: "Often, we can afford to take our time. But there are occasions when we must roll up our sleeves and resolve a situation. In such cases, there is nothing worse than delay."
(The short story is taken from Paulo Coelho’s writing :”Maktub”)
See other info about learning and education in http://littlecandles.blogspot.com
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